Gambling Machines
3 versions of gambling machines for Assemblers, Electromagnetic Plants, and Foundries. EM Plant and Foundry variants will wait for 2x the ingredients to be available before beginning production, so as not to waste the extra productivity.
Important Usage tip: Before connecting power, make sure Quality modules are inserted into all 3 machines (2 production machiners and recycler), and set the inserter filter above the recycler to the desired quality level. By default the inserter will keep Epic (purple) quality and trash anything lower.
"Item" = Select the item you want to gamble on
"Request Amount" = How many of that item should be taken from the logistic network and recycled (constant logistic request)
"Ingredient Multiplier" = How many of the item's ingredients to request from the logistic network, including quality versions. (IE setting this number to 10 means to take 10x the needed ingredient amount. You may want to lower this in the case of something like nuclear reactors)