Lunarnexus FSE v1.1- Ships
Early through late game ships. Most are designed with common parts. Most use a timer thruster control for efficiency and speed control.
- Phoenix - Early game ship. Cheap, reliable, zippy for a tiny ship.
- Voyager - Not as good as the Galactica.
- Galactica - Upgrade to the Phoenix. Faster, more cargo, works all the way to Gleba.
- Narada - Stationary asteroid mining platform (MK1/MK2). The MK3 is designed to circle the solar system dropping ore, rockets and bullets where they're needed.
- Nostromo - Cheap, fast, reliable cargo ship capable of reaching all planets. Zero to no "recharge" between planets. Uses Nuclear fuel.
- Horizon - MK1 is a game finisher. MK3 produces Promethium Science at ~2000 per trip. Advanced thruster speed control based on ammo and location.
- Firefly - Turd, not very useful.
- Nimbus - Shattered Planet ship. MK2 can make the trip in 14 hours or so. Brute forces the trip by making an explosive AOE halo around the ship. Big, dumb, high throughput, but flys kinda crapy until you're past the solar system edge. The MK3 can make the run in 2.5 hours, but it's pricey to build.
- Moonraker - Early version Legendary ore cruncher. Use the Hippafaralkus MK3 instead.
- Hippafaralkus - MK1 is meant to just dump ore on planets by circling the solar system, like the Narada MK2. The Hippafaralkus MK2 adds Legendary Ore crunching using Nuclear power and fairly cheap parts aside from the modules. MK3 cranks out legendary resouces faster than I can use them.
- Red Rocket - don't use.
- Destiny MK1 - New Promethium Science ship. Upgrade to the Horizon class ships.
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